Letting Go of Missing Out

As my boys and I were discussing plans for the upcoming week, which would include attending a relative’s eighth grade graduation ceremony, my eldest son made an interesting comment. It was something to the effect of “That’s another thing I like about homeschooling; you don’t have to do that.” He was referring to the graduation ceremony. We…

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The Single Parent Homeschool

If someone had told me fifteen years ago, after the birth of my second child, that within a short period of time I would lose my husband to cancer and go on to raise and homeschool my two children alone, I would have thought that person was delusional. Yet, that’s exactly what happened. It has not been…

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Gardening Interests

If you follow a September through June school schedule like our family does, then you are getting ready to finish your school year. As things wind down in our home, other things wind up. Time in the garden replaces time in the “classroom” and days become more carefree. Speaking of gardening, we have used this activity several…

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Teachers are Seed Planters

As I glanced over at my garden this morning, something caught my eye. I could see what appeared to be a flower blooming next to the arbor. I thought for certain I was mistaken since I had not planted anything in that spot this year or last year. I went over to investigate. To my surprise, a…

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Becoming Outdated

When I began homeschooling, I gave little thought to what I was potentially leaving behind. Fortunate to have another source of income, I went on hiatus from my “career” for several years to raise my young boys. As my kids grew, I completed some freelance work, but my primary focus was on my family and homeschooling. Now…

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